
A name has a million reasons to relate with…to relate to…ones name i realise is destiny’s dreams packaged for you…mine was chosen by my grandmom…it means Wealth of Knowledge and that’s what i hope destiny dictates to me…wander and gather wisdom…i am under construction constantly evolving…Ulysses like i aver I CANNOT REST FROM TRAVEL…wonder what DRINK LIKE TO THE LEES  would mean for me…The first album i posted on FB was titled hues…trying to share the world as i see it..the beautiful sights that crowd my world …the ones that are very close to the heart…that linger as memories flashing on that inward eye …I pondered should my blog be called  LENS, PENS AND KEYBOARDS  OR SHOULD IT BE HUES AND TEXTURES …narrowed on the latter…got to writing only recently. have told myself that i’ve got to persist for atleast 40 days…with encouraging friends i’m sure i would persist.